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Bioeconomy SA Portal
Bioeconomy SA Portal

Create new Individual/Organisation account


* Include accurate information and complete ALL the sections to ensure your details are accurately captured and incorporated into the database.

* After registration, please verify that your information is accurately displayed on the Portal, including on the Functional & Geographical Maps and all other relevant sections under resources and opportunities.

*"Organisation" refers to any "functional entity or group" involved in the bioeconomy that can benefit from and/or advance the objectives of the Portal. Including, a research group or lab, a specific funding program, a department or unit within a larger organisation, an SMME or an individual consultant. The aim of the Portal is to facilitate collaboration among such groups and individuals, we therefore encourage registration as an organisation.

*Registering as an "individual" will give you full access to the Portal, including the ability to upload content, but individual's information is not incorporated into the Bioeconomy SA ecosystem maps.

*Members' active participation is key to the Portal's success. The aim is to create an active community not a static website, so please continue to contribute and engage after registration to grow South Africa's Bioeconomy!

The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.
This will be the name you use to log in and also the name that is displayed publicly.
Registering as

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*All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by email.

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